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Adding the AWS SDK

May 11, 2020

Here we will set up the AWS SDK to be able to interact with DynamoDDB.

First do the following in your terminal:

$ yarn add aws-sdk

Then go ahead and create a libs directory in the root of the folder and create a file called dynamodb-lib.js.

Lets now work on a wrapper around the AWS-SDK for Dynamo and add the following to dynamodb-lib.js:

import AWS from "aws-sdk"

const client = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient()

export default {
  get: params => client.get(params).promise(),
  put: params => client.put(params).promise(),
  query: params => client.query(params).promise(),
  update: params => client.update(params).promise(),
  delete: params => client.delete(params).promise(),
  scan: params => client.scan(params).promise(),

The following is happening:

🎯 the call function has two parameters: action and params. Action will specifiy what type of DynamoDB operation is taking place, while params will be the data or expressions we are sending to Dynamo like whether to tell it to find something by a specific attribute etc.

🎯 Then we return a promise with the action and params attached to our new instance of DynamoDB.

Next we will go ahead and populate Dynamo with our listings!


