Adding listings to Dynamo
May 11, 2020
In this post we will manually add listings to DynamoDB. Usually we could create a mutation to add listings for someone. But for the sake of this course I've created all the listings for you.
First off lets create a folder called /seed-data
and create file called listings.json
. Then head over to this gist and copy the contents of it into the file you've just created.
Then create a file called insertData.js
and add the following:
this function will allow us to add all the listings into Dynamo dynamically
//set up the aws-sdk
const AWS = require("aws-sdk")
AWS.config.update({ region: "us-east-1" })
const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient()
//import the listings json
const listings = require("./listings.json")
console.log("Listings.Init", listings)
//lets inseert them into the table
//loop over the listings => {
//create params object
listingParams = {
TableName: "dev-lunar-listings",
Item: {
coverPhoto: l.coverPhoto,
guide: {
listingActivities: l.listingActivities,
listingDescription: l.listingDescription,
listingId: l.listingId,
listingLocation: l.listingLocation,
listingName: l.listingName,
listingType: l.listingType,
numberOfDays: l.numberOfDays,
price: l.price,
rating: l.rating,
specialAmount: l.specialAmount,
specialType: l.specialType,
//put the data into the table
docClient.put(listingParams, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
"Unable to add listing",,
". Error JSON:",
JSON.stringify(err, null, 2)
} else {
console.log("PutItem succeeded:")
🌶️ First off we setup the AWS SDK
🌶️ Then we import the JSON file with the listings.
🌶️ Loop over them to create a record in the table.