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Create Backend Repo

April 21, 2020

In this chapter, we will initialise the back-end repo and get everything setup.

Create a repo on Github

Then head over to Github and click on create a repo

Then create an empty repo and call it lunar-tour-api, and leave the other fields blank.

Now we need to clone the servless-graphQL starter, so open your terminal and type in the following:

$ serverless install --url --name lunar-tour-api

Now we need to send the code up to GitHub:

Go into the directory of the repo:

$ cd lunar-tour-api

Initialise git:

$ git init

Add all the files

$ git add .

Create a commit message:

$ git commit -m "initial commit"

Add the remote URL (Make sure you add the one you created!):

$ git remote add origin

Push all your changes:

git push -u origin master

Awesome, your repo should be full of code now on GitHub!


