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Create Schema For A Listings

May 14, 2020

In this chapter we will attempt to get a single a listing from Dynamo when given a listingID.

To do this let's edit our schema and add the following query:

    getAListing(listingId: String!): Listing!

Your Query Type should now look like this:

  type Query {
    getAllListings: [Listing]
    getAListing(listingId: String!): Listing!

Next lets go ahead and export our getAListing query. Go into the query.js file and add the following:

export const getAListing = async (args, context) => {
  return null

Then finally import it into the index of the resolvers:

import { getAllListings, getAListing } from "./query"
export const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    getAllListings: (root, args, context) => getAllListings(args, context),
    getAListing: (root, args, context) => getAListing(args, context),

Next out will flesh out the function.


