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Deploy Vue App to Netlify

September 14, 2020

In this final chapter we will we deploy our frontend to Netlify. Firstly, let's explore why Netlify?

Variety is the spice of life and when it comes to deploying a React, you have tonnes of variety. However, I'm yet to find few that gives you a simple process to deploy your site than others.

The things that stand out for me using Netlify:

🦚 The ability to get deploy previews from a specific branch. Very useful if you're trying to test something specfic and want to test it in a somewhat live environment, you can just create a PR and deploy that branch in isolation.

🦚 Unlimted sites can be deployed for free, which makes its affordable for everybody.

First thing you got to do is head over to Netlify and login or if you have not created an account simply sign up.

Once you've done that you should see all or your sites. Click the "add site" button so we can start the process of adding our site:


Now we come to the screen where it gives options to select our Git provider:


Please select your prefered Git provider.

Once you've selected your provider you should be able to select the repo you want to deploy, in my case I'm deploy a repo from an a organistation:


Next up, our deploy settings will display. In the build command text box add yarn run build, while the publish directory textbox add /dist:


This will basically tell Netlify's robots to run the build command in our project and put the minified build into our /dist directory.

So by now our site should have deployed by now but it probably won't work, because we need to give the site our environemnt variables. Click the "Overview" tab, then click on the "site settings" button ---> then click the "build and deploy" pane and scoll till you reach the "environment" section and make sure you environment variables names match mine:


Congratz You have finally deployed the Lunar Tour!


