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Export the Mutation Function

May 17, 2020

In this chapter we just set up our mutation by exporting it.

In the mutation.js file add the following function:

export const makeABooking = async (args, context) => {
  return null

Then head over the the index of the resolvers and import it:

import { makeABooking } from "./mutation"
export const resolvers = {
  Mutation: {
    makeABooking: (root, args, context) => makeABooking(args, context),

Your resolvers index.js should look like this:

import { getAllListings, getAListing } from "./query"
import { makeABooking } from "./mutation"
export const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    getAllListings: (root, args, context) => getAllListings(args, context),
    getAListing: (root, args, context) => getAListing(args, context),
  Mutation: {
    makeABooking: (root, args, context) => makeABooking(args, context),

Next up we will setup a Stripe Account


