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Create Home Component

May 22, 2020

In this part we will create the following landing page.

First create a Home.vue component in the Views directory. Then go into the router.js and add the following route.

    path: "/",
    component: Home

Also import the file at the top of the page:

import Home from "./pages/Home"

Next up open the Home.vue component and copy the following:

      text="Book Vacations to Different Lunar Destinations"
    <ApolloQuery :query="require('../graphql/getAllListings.gql')">
      <template v-slot="{ result: { loading, error, data } }">
        <div v-if="loading" class="text-red">
          <a-skeleton active />
        <div v-if="error" class="text-red">error...</div>

        <div v-else-if="data" class="grid grid-cols-3 col-gap-32 p-10">
          <div v-for="listing of data.getAllListings" :key="listing.listingId">
                path: `listing/${listing.listingId}`,
                params: { id: listing.listingId },
import LandingHeader from "../components/navs/LandingHeader.vue";
import ListingCard from "../components/cards/ListingCard";
export default {
  name: "Home",
  components: {
/* .grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
} */

What is happening here ?

🍣 First we are using the LandingHeader component to create the header. We passing the text and the image URL.

🍣Next up are querying the API by using the ApolloQuery component. We indicate that we are using are a query and reading a query document which we will make soon.

🍣In the template under the Apollo Query we pass in a v-slot that has an result object with loading, error and data variables.

🍣In our v-if we check that if the loading variable is true and we show a loading component

🍣Next we check if the error variable is true and tell the user that an error occurred. You can customize this with anything you want.

🍣Else if the data is present render all the data. we have a v-for that we loop over from the data.getAllListings query. Then we give it the key of the listingId.

🍣We have a router-link wrapped around the TourCard to redirect the user to the view of the listing.

🍣Then we pass the data of the listing into the props of the Tour Card.

Next we need to create the query schema document. create a folder called graphql and create a filed called getAllListings.gql and paste the following:

query GetAllListings {
  getAllListings {

Make sure your App.vue looks like this:

  <div id="app">
    <Nav />
    <router-view />
import Nav from "./components/navs/Nav.vue";

export default {
  name: "App",
  components: {

So if we go to the landing page in the browser we should see all the listings load.

If all goes well, you should have this:



