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Build a fullstack app that books vacations to the moon

This course like resource will you teach how to use GraphQL with AWS Lambda and DynamoDB with JavaScript on the backend. While you can choose your own adventure on the frontend side of things with Vue or React. Both tracks will cover use of their respective Apollo Client libraries, while using Stripe for payments.

Tech stack


On the frontend, you can create the Lunar Tour in either Vue or React. On the Vue side you uncover how to persist state in multiple components. While in the React course, you can learn how to use Apollo's Local Cache as an alternative for Rdux.

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Vue Apollo

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Apollo Client

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Tailwind CSS

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Ant Design


Using the Serverless Framework, you will be able to create a GraphQL Lambda powered by Apollo Server.

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Apollo Server

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AWS Lambda

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AWS DynamoDB

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To make a bleeding edge appilcation you need amazing providers to make it imaginable and practical